When we eat, nutrients from our food are used to provide energy needed for brain activity, and other body functions needed for survival. Excess nutrients left are converted into fats and stored or deposited around the body specially the stomach, or neck region.
Too much deposition of excess fats around the body becomes dangerous to our health as some of these molecules can clot our blood vessels leading causing heart diseases and other organ failures.
You can make use of your excess fat by converting it into muscle or converting the fat into abs. Converting fat into muscles simply means constant exercises. When you exercise your arms, legs stomach ect, you exert work load or pressure on these body parts thereby deceiving the body to feel that extra muscles are needed in those body parts to support the work load. By doing this, the body will now transfer the excess fats to these areas that require more attention and will convert these fats to muscles. Muscles are better to have than fats because they do not accumulate in our blood vessels.
Muscles can also be converted to fats as well. Most spotters become very fat after their carriers are over because the muscles are reconverted into fat. Therefore it is important for spotters to keep up with training if not for competing purposes but for maintaining their body muscles. We can prevent being fat by eat well or healthy. The poor economic situation in most societies have resulted in people depended on cheap fast foods to survive and use this as an excuse of bad eating habits. There exist other ways you can eat well without necessarily getting fat. A good practice of healthy habits will definitely improve the situation
There are several different ways to prevent and control overweight ranging from a healthy diet intake to exercises and medication solutions to your overweight problem . Follow them step by step and the deal is done. You are not the first to try this Click Here!
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